Early Years Pupil Premium
The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is extra funding that aims to improve outcomes for some 3 and 4 year olds who are receiving the free entitlement to free education. Children who meet the criteria will be eligible for £302.10 which goes to the school for additional staff and resources that help improve the quality of education. This money makes a big difference to us.
Early Years Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022 - 2023
Registering for free school meals enables the nursery school to access this valuable support. We encourage you to apply even if your child does not stay for lunch, as you are still entitled.
Please download the form here, or see the office staff who will give you a Free School Meals form which serves as the EYPP form. The information you provide in this form will be used by the Local Authority to confirm receipt of one of the listed welfare benefits. If you need more information about your eligibility status please click on this link:
Greenwich - pupil benefits application form
You only need to complete this form once and it will last for the whole of your child’s time at their current school.
Thank you for completing this form and helping to make sure your child’s school is as well-funded as possible.