Parental consultation
At Robert Owen we aim to engage with mums, dads and carers before your child even starts the nursery. This process begins at your initial enquiry as we aim to find hours for your child that best fit with your requirements. Our home visits before your child starts are a chance for us to get to know you and your child e.g. what your child is interested in, how you spend time together, any special medical or dietary needs, answering any fears or concerns you might have.
Starting nursery can be a daunting process so we will consult with you through the settling in period (however long that takes). Staff are always available at the beginning and end of your child’s session to share information and if you want to book a particular appointment to see your key person please just ask. We have a individual parent consultation each term where we will share your child’s learning and progress and you can share with us how your child is doing at home.
It is lovely that my carer always tells me how A's day went at pick up. I am informed everyday" (JK pss2016)
How to get more involved
If you want to let us know your views please talk to us or send us an email at We want to hear from you as the service we provide is all about you and your child and we want to make it work in the best possible way for each individual family. Any feedback is used positively to improve the work that we do.
As a maintained Nursery School we value the needs of the community.
Parent Questionnaire 2017 OutcomesStaff are always there when you need to have a chat and they are really good at referrals and offering guidance and support" (ccs summer 2015)